Pricing Plans

If you can't find a suitable plan here, just drop us a line at!


$0 / month

Try our service for free. No credit card required!

Protect 1 site
Scan interval 24 hours
Up to 4 scripts per site
Up to 2 script versions per script
72-hour support response time
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$15 / month

Ideal for individuals or small businesses.

Protect up to 2 sites
Scan interval 12 hours
Up to 8 scripts per site
Up to 4 script versions per script
48-hour support response time
Get Started


$50 / month

Perfect for expanding businesses that need more comprehensive coverage and advanced monitoring capabilities.

Protect up to 8 sites
Scan interval 6 hours
Up to 15 scripts per site
Up to 10 script versions per script
48-hour support response time
Get Started


$120 / month

Our most comprehensive plan designed for larger enterprises needing extensive protection and the fastest support.

Protect up to 20 sites
Scan interval 2 hours
Up to 20 scripts per site
Up to 20 scripts versions per script
24-hour support response time
Get Started